Monday, March 22, 2010

Movie: Alice In Wonderland

Today I went to the new Alice in Wonderland movie by Tim Burton. To be honest I was a bit hesistant about going at first, because I DO love the book and I really liked the Disney animation from 1951, but still. I was a bit afraid of this movie letting me down. Anyway, it was a good, good movie. A bit.. well, not exactly what I myself would have made of it. Also, to be honest, even though the movie had an awesome cast, I must admit that I'm getting a LITTLE tired of the Deppster x Helena Bonham-Carter x Alan Rickman x etc. I mean, aren't there any other good, maybe less well-known actors and actresses? The way the Mad Hatter walks over the table full of teapots and cups and what not, is much like Captain Jack, isn't it? But maybe that's just because Johnny Depp has played so many roles, and good ones they were, and seeing the same actor in the same role will probably also result in seeing similarities in the acting itself.

In the end, a good movie, but I still prefer the book. I think I would have liked this movie much better if I hadn't read the book (so many times) already!

Oh well, certainly a movie I want to go another time in the cinema, and certainly a movie I want to buy on DVD.

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