Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Some thoughts on style and popularity and networking

It stays hard, to experiment, to evolve, to become better but at the same time yourself. I've always liked drawing, and I guess I've always been "good" at it. Even though I've regularly had my doubts, people always kept telling me I was good, had talent.
Since at least a year, and probably since longer than that, my style has changed. This is only logical since I'm young and in search of myself and my own style, the things I like and find important. However, I still have doubts, doubts, doubts. About everything and anything. Since that year (or longer) I have been more focussed on abstract(ed) art, a sort of naivety has entered my sketches and drawings and paintings etc. Not a true naivety of course, I'm not a naive person. But my style is less realistic and more to the point, the images play more the role of portraying something deeper than of showing how something really looks.
I don't think it's a bad thing, but sometimes I see other people's work that is very realistic and I feel like people don't think I'm good enough because I don't do much of that work any more. I have to admit though, I haven't drawn or painted very much except for school or just sketches so, well... The realistic art is much more popular than other things, and so I sometimes feel unappreciated.
Sometimes this makes me want to be very good at realistic drawings and paintings, and though I know I'm not thát bad at realistic drawing, I know that I've lost some skills because I haven't drawn very much in a long time.
I mean, I'd love to get lots of attention, who doesn't! But I don't really mean it like thát. It makes me wonder, do I want to be the same as all those other people who draw realistic things? Or do I want to part from that and just do my own thing? But why couldn't I just do both? How can I turn it into the way I want to go myself? I mean, being popular is good, but that's a lot about connecting too, and social networks. Something I kinda.. stopped doing. It takes too much energy. Yet, if I want people to watch my stuff, to like it, to say something about it, maybe even want to buy it, and of course, if I want people to get to know me a little and look into my webshop (whenever that opens) and buy things, I'll have to get some more attention. And it doesn't come easy. And I know this very well, but I don't know if this is the right moment for me to get lost inside the internet again, and comment and tell things and be so very active. I just don't know how I can combine that with how I feel and everything. But I know I'll have to do some networking in the end, I do. We'll see.

Hmm, maybe I'm just rambling too much now?

Then I wonder again, ís this bad? Shóuld I draw more? If I really wanted to, which I think is the case, then I would, right? So this confuses me a lot.
I really want to do both. But I don't really know how to. At the moment I just really want to start drawing and painting again/more. We'll see what comes from that.

I have the feeling this blog entry is a bit... vague and well, me wanting to be popular. That's not really how I mean it, though. I just thought I'd say something like this on my blog XP

And all this, just because I was thinking of the good old days on Elfwood and DeviantART, and how there's still only one drawing in my online portfolio at
I was kinda afraid people would not know I can draw because there's only thát picture on there in the drawings section. But then again I really should upload more pictures, but that means digging through tons of files on one of my many hard discs... Not a fun job... But it has to be done, some day.

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