Monday, May 17, 2010

Studying and quote

I've been studying for my art history exam of Wednesday. A bit nervous (of course).

Then I read this quote, and again it struck me as being so very true.

"Art is the guarantee of sanity" 
- Louise Bourgeois.

This 'fact' is woven through my own life, it is how I 'survived', even though it doesn't seem at the moment that I create much, if anything (except for some jewellery). I really miss being creative and really actually creating things, though. I really, really do. But there's just not much energy/time/space for me to do that. I've been wanting to do something with ceramics, but although I've got VERY much good clay (got it from my last study at the Fontys) I don't have an oven. So that's the end of it. For now, at least. (maybe when I start again at the art academy, or maybe a ceramics course? We'll see about that). For now I should write down (and sketch) my ideas more often, since I usually think of something and then forget about it, which is a shame, really. 

And maybe, maybe (actually probably, if not pure truth) I should just DO something. Don't matter what, just start making something and see where it goes. Something not just a drawing or a pencil sketch or a little painting. Just something bigger. I've still got an idea with an umbrella... Hmmm... But for now, I'll stick to trying to study. Distractions, distractions.... 

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